Credit Bank of Moscow (MKB), pursuant to its ESG strategy, has drafted and approved the Manual for Managing Environmental and Social Impact at Design and Procurement Stages as well as the Supplier and Contractor Code of Conduct. The documents are based on Russian social and environmental laws, international agreements and conventions, as well as expectations of the leading ESG agencies.
The bylaws will be instrumental in managing our environmental and social impact at the stage of designing our capital buildings and mobile constructions, and buying goods, works and services. Any proposed contractor will have to fill in a questionnaire and pass expert evaluation to make sure the Supplier and Contractor Code of Conduct's social and environmental requirements are met.
MKB's ESG strategy requires that the environmental and social impact level be determined across 100% of its chosen suppliers and contractors with significant environmental and social exposures by end-2023. Furthermore, MKB intends to provide consulting support to its counterparties wishing to manage better their environmental and social impacts.
The Supplier and Contractor Code of Conduct can be viewed or downloaded here. Any queries regarding its contents and application may be sent to MKB's Sustainable Development Division at